Media Assets For Publishers



How We Can Help

Combining both traditional textbook learning with digital content is a great way to enhance the learning experience of students. Our team has worked alongside publishers to create additional learning material through the use of both chapter summaries and key topic videos. This type of delivery has proven to be a very useful asset for instructors to use in conjunction with their lectures.

What makes our team stand apart is that we come from a strong background in both the education and media field. Our lead instructor Michael is both a lawyer as well as a professor at the University of Victoria. In addition, Michael has also received formal training as an actor and public speaker. Our creative lead Connor is both a published photographer and videographer while also bolstering a Masters in Global Business. This education background allows him to view projects from multiple different perspectives to ensure the project meets the objectives of all stakeholders.

Video Assets

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Our Team

 Michael Litchfield

Michael Litchfield is a lawyer, educator, and management consultant and is the managing director of Thinklab legal education and training. Michael holds a variety of academic appointments, including director of the business law clinic at the university of victoria, adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia faculty of law, and associate faculty at royal roads university. In addition to his academic work, Michael has a depth of experience consulting with a variety of public and private sector organizations on matters ranging from strategic planning to recruitment and continuing professional development.

Connor Barr

Connor Barr is an experienced videographer and published photographer with extensive marketing and branding knowledge. For the past two years, Connor has been operating his own marketing agency, Coastal Creative while completing his Master’s at the University of Victoria. During this time he has worked with local businesses as well as international brands in a variety of different industries. Connor truly stands out because he is both proficient in marketing strategy as well as content creation.